Course Technology Cengage Learning New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML
Tutorial 2

The mailto URL

This page shows how to create e-mail hypertext links by using the mailto URL. The general form of the mailto URL is:


where address is the e-mail address of the recipient. If you want to add more information to the e-mail link by including such headers as cc, bcc, or subject, you can add them to the URL as name/value pairs with the header name and header value separated by an equal sign. Each name/value pair must be separated by an & character. The first name/value pair must be preceded by a question mark to separate it from the e-mail address.

To explore how to translate an e-mail message into a URL, enter your e-mail message in the form below. Click Generate URL to view the URL for the message.

mailto URL:
Carey, P. New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML 5th Edition, Course Technology: Boston, 2008.